Earth is a Living Organism
- About This Site -
About Me
Thank you for visiting this web site. If you have been referred here, you have some interest in the natural world. You have my appreciation.
Some people know me as a "plant person," a gardener, an herbalist, environmental advocate, and a medicine maker. This has brought me much wisdom as an advocate of humanity as well, after all, we are a sort of organism governed by the same elements that all other plants and animals face, on the very same planet.
My heritage is the main source of my knowledge. For those of you of strong western belief systems you will insist on credentials of your social system. My knowledge has been passed on to me by both the western and the aboriginal sort.
Indeed, I have studied Naturopathic Medicine from the western world, but my herbalism comes from the indigenous peoples of North, Central, and South America. My perspectives therefore, might include a mixture of these teachings combined. Most definitely, my spirituality although not connected to any modern philosophy... might be entirely centered from my heart knowledge. My Compassion.
What can I offer You?
Mostly, I hope to inspire you to look at the natural world as a mystical place. Each and every one of you is a mystic to one another. Notice I say mystic, not a mystery. Why exist? All plants and animals (and people) are watching or feeling you, albeit you may not notice them. With that said, this site can plant a seed of awarenesses. All of life has a distinct purpose, including you.
Plants, animals, people, mountains, valleys, streams, all of the elements are communicating their existence, constantly. According to many cultures, some believe that those that have passed on also find ways to communicate, and constantly. Open your mind, and at the very least, humor this thought and imagine it. Seek the possibility. Watch as the details of your surroundings begin to connect, especially with you. Helping you.
Lastly, you may use my original photography, follow my recommended links, muse over my musings and connect with your curiosity. I make no profit here. This is my vocation. A kind of guardian and peacekeeper of the natural and supernatural world. Wishing you the best life possible.