Growing up with a collector, there were so many objects with sentimental value. Looking back, they would have meaning to my siblings, long after my father passed. How these objects were arranged in the house became an indelible message about who my father was, what brought him pride, hope or fascination. As a visitor of many homes, this collector spirit was not consistent among the people I would meet, but for those that showed this tendency, I saw a deeper dimension to how they lived. Collectors are connoisseurs of life.
Once, there was an advertisement for a spiritual workshop: “How to build your own altar.” A part of me thought this was obvious, but it is only because of my cultural heritage. It is not obvious. The average collector has the idea of how to do this, however the intention is not exactly the same or as conscious. Anyway, why would you create an “altar?” This term is very religious or spiritual in origin, yet in the sense of the workshop, it had a modified use. In this sense, it would mean a reverent, honorific place. A place where one’s most important intentions evokes a higher meaning of life. This space can bring, peace, joy and serve as a reminder of our values. It can be a small space on a shelf or a shrine in the garden.
This subject is interesting because it is an outward sign of who we are, and an inward reminder of what is important to us. Once there was a woman that collected snail figurines. She was a nature lover and they existed on a high shelf; some were porcelain or made of glass. They were artistic and beautiful. An old friend collected paintings of boats and ships and arranged them in his home office. He loved the sea. When my spouse’s uncle passed, they found among his belongings, a spoon collection from his intention to travel to all 50 states in the U.S. My father had trophies from horse shows, he collected sun images, Valentine’s figurines for my mother and more.
There is something about certain objects that bring us comfort. They are reminders of moments of joy. Perhaps, it is a single object that holds volumes of memories, that just looking at it, or touching it, makes our mind’s wander. In a way, they fortify us. Like a mantle with a picture of all of our loved ones, it is a reminder we belong to something bigger in the world. We are not alone. We have secret or not so secret shrines of the those things that have a motivational force upon us.
If we are conscious, we can create a dedicated space to our values, with its symbols, to help us revisit what is important to us. Even placing a beach stone on our nightstand, from that great talk on the beach with a friend, can have a profound impact on our mental well-being. Without being elaborate, we can use meaningful objects to tell a story around the house. We all have a narrative about the life we are leading, but when entering some homes, we might not see the unique presence of each family member. Carefully placed reminders are a way of claiming or personal reality.
Admittedly, there is the other extreme where a person finds everything of value and sentimental. If you live with an artist, you know what I’m talking about. Guilty as charged! Hoarding and cluttering loses that special honorific feel. At some point, looking at our life and priorities show clearly in our personal spaces. The message is clear about how we feel about clothing, our dishes, our coffee table, our plants. Some say that if one makes their bed in the morning, they acknowledge their readiness to face the day. It is possible. The things around us are the thoughts we have accumulated at this very point in time. Where do they all land?
The altar workshop, of my imagination, would talk about a zone of peace and beauty. A visual arrangement that grounds a person in good times and in times of doubt. It would be a spot in the house that emotionally triggers our reassurance and calm, reminding us of who we are. Those little objects, or a great big object, will reconnect us to ourselves. Even if we have a household of 8, there will be one square foot to ourselves. Maybe it is a religious altar, or maybe it a is a spiritual metaphor, a hobby or symbols of achievements that matters.The world operates at lightening speed, feeling scattered in scattered place is optional. As we zero in on why we are here, we can create a power zone, a comfort zone at home, after a long day of challenges.