Something that came into my field of awareness is plant trends that are considered household chic. How did this happen? I am not complaining, since it requires some level of commitment. Many of these plants are not inexpensive, what's more, your investment can die! Best to reflect.
If you travel to Downtown, my town, in Santa Cruz, California, you might run into Diggs Gardens store that sells plants, geometric pots, clever furniture and gifts. This is plant life reimagined and also co-existing as a work of art, indoors or outdoors. I am not so fancy, but love that the store also hosts workshops and guides you through wonderful green projects. I am a rustic patron and mostly visit their Aptos store, where the vegetable and wildflower shoppers congregate.
Why would I mention this to you?
Last year I was quite shocked that the succulent trend is world-wide and now there is such thing as succulent poaching! A news article form a few years ago states that $600,000 worth of Dudleya- a native California species, was poached and headed for South Korea! What the heck?
Read the article from the New York Times here. Yes, I poached the article photograph of the Wildlife Fish and Game Officer. Honestly, I am trusting you when I say that I also righteously care for a Dudleya Everlasting succulent in my garden. However, my digital wildlife cameras show that a wild brush rabbit also finds this succulent precious. What lesson can we learn from this situation?
My feeling, is that plants are people too. We as humans are very contagious about attitudes, perspectives, even desires and judgements. Is it possible, that there is a medicinal or sustenance value of some of these plants in the natural habitat? If not for humans then perhaps for wildlife. My blogs will have many reflections and inquiries. I will always question the manipulation of nature. I will also condone the nurturing of nature. More than fashion and appearances, consider that living beings of all sorts have a deep meaning and value.